Club training resumes

We are delighted to advise members that we are now accepting bookings for our groups from Monday 19th April.

Members can access the training through our clubforce ap.

We can now offer a number of sessions to our members and hope that there is something suitable for everyone in the club.

 At this stage we need our members to select their preferred training group and our intention is to be able to accommodate everyone’s request for training. We are however limited by the number of leaders who have kindly made themselves available, and therefore if a group is over/under subscribed we may need to review accordingly, at this stage we are hopeful that this will not be the case. 

In addition to this we are training our leaders (LiRFs) and Coaches to ensure that all sessions are in line with our Covid protocols and PHA / ANI Guidance. 

Please note the following : 

  • Training is exclusively for members of BRAC i.e. you must have registered and paid your 2021/2022 membership fee (currently £10 which includes your subsidised Athletics NI registration) 

  • Training can only be accessed via the Clubforce App or website. Due to track and trace requirements any members who turns up to training unregistered will not be allowed to participate. If you have any queries or need help with the Clubforce app or membership please get in touch with us by emailing 

  • Members can only access one training slot per week at this stage i.e. please choose whichever day, time and pace suits you best – PLEASE DO NOT SELECT MULTIPLE GROUPS ON DIFFERENT NIGHTS 

  • Members will remain in their chosen group for a 6 week training block after which point a member can change group if desired – we can’t accommodate requests to change groups prior to the end of the 6 week block 

  • Upon review of bookings, we will then contact each group to inform them of their allocated LIRF and the venue that the group will be meeting at. This will happen no later than Sunday 18th April, prior to the official resumption of training.

Please refer to additional details below regarding these groups :

 C25K Graduate programme : this programme is designed for anyone who has previously completed a club C25K training block, or for anyone who is concerned about returning to training for a steady 30 minute run or above. This will be a progressional training block designed to progress a member back to running for 30 minutes at a steady pace.

30 minute steady @ group preferred pace – this is similar to our Monday night 30 minute group – the pace will be dictated by the group and what is comfortable for everyone

45 minute steady @ group preferred pace – this is similar to our Monday night 45 minute group – the pace will be dictated by the group and what is comfortable for everyone

60 minute steady @ xx:xx min/mile average – this is similar to steady 1 hour Monday night groups – the pace of the group will average as close to the advertised pace as possible, subject to the group and route chosen.

Development Tempo’s – this will follow the attached 6 week programme and will consist of a warm up, dynamic stretches, tempo session and cool down and will last approximately 60 minutes

 Performance Intervals – this 6 week training block is designed for any member who can run a 5K in sub 21 minutes (men) or 23 minutes (women) – due to the intensity of this training block please do not register if this is not a recently achievable time


BRAC Training via Clubforce App or the following link

Clubforce training.png