Best offer you will get - BRAC Strength & Conditioning Classes

We are pleased to confirm that a Northern Area Community Network grant has enabled us to provide Strength & Conditioning Zoom Classes with Gregory Walsh for the next 12 weeks starting on Monday 18th January. 

At this point in the current pandemic, it will give us all the opportunity to engage in some runner specific exercise albeit remotely. We have as you know been trying to get back to training, we will be ready for that when it’s safe to do so. 

Gregory Walsh has been coaching local runners for over 20 years. He was at a time a member of Ballymena Runners and quite a lot of you will no doubt know him. We are delighted that we have these sessions with Gregory who has such a strong running background. His classes will benefit all of you who attend - he will cater for every section of our club

Please do register and take advantage of this opportunity. All the details including how to join in are in Gregory’s email below.   Gregory stresses that this is for everyone and will welcome you all.  

Thank you of course to the Northern Area Community Network for funding this. We really do hope that the course will give us all a bit of a lift with something different to do while staying safe. 

Email from Gregory Walsh giving details of classes.

The provisional date for the Zoom classes to start is Monday 18th January 2021. In order for this date to be met a Questionnaire needs to be completed by members and returned to Gregory by Friday 13th January at 2pm. Below are Questionnaire and Zoom class guidance documents. 


BRAC Zoom Classes Safety

Email your completed Questionnaire to -

There's a fair bit of admin work involved in setting the sessions up so prompt replies would be greatly appreciated. Only those who have completed and returned their questionnaire can take part in the sessions as they will be covered by my insurance. 

The classes which will run for 12 weeks will be staged as follows: 





The classes are suitable for everyone from beginners through to the experienced athlete. 

The first 4 weeks of the physical conditioning class will focus of corrective exercise training and improving functional movement patterns. This session will then progress from week 5 onwards. 

No one will be asked to do anything that is beyond them and if they find any exercise too much for whatever reason you should skip that exercise and contact me for an alternative. 


PHYSICAL CONDITIONING, a whole body run specific class with emphasis on Joint mobility, flexibility, core conditioning, development of running muscles, running technique and energy efficiency. All of this will help make participants physically stronger and more injury resistant as runners. 

RUNNERS REVIVE FLEXIBILITY, this class has a gentle flow similar to that of a Pilates/yoga class. It's ideal for stress release and general feeling of wellbeing. It's ideal for improving flexibility, core, balance, stability, strengthening join support muscles and boosting recovery. All of this boosts general running. 

Both of these classes are low impact and can be performed on the same day that you run. 

The classes will last for 60mins and the only equipment required is a non-slip mat ( yoga mat would be perfect) and a drink ( water or recovery drink) . 

The 4 sessions are open to everyone (numbers permitting). Should the numbers outweigh the class capacity we'll look at splitting the numbers over the classes. 

There will be a recorded video sent to all of those enrolled following the class. This means if someone has missed a class they can catch up in their own time. 

I'm going to set up a private Physical Conditioning Facebook support group for BRAC members where I will share videos tips, techniques, guidance and support throughout the duration of the course. Whenever the group page goes live feel free to ask your members to join the group. 

In closing I’m looking forward to helping all the Ballymena Runners members health, fitness and wellbeing during a time when life has been very difficult for so many people. Their health deserves it so I would encourage all of you to get involved in the classes and reap the rewards that these sessions will bring. 

Let's work together and help create a bright 2021. 

Kindest regards, 


