Kells Cosy Sofa to 5K
A number of graduates from the recent Ballymena Runners Cosy Sofa to 5K scheme in Kells beat the weather on Saturday morning to celebrate their achievement over the past nine weeks by completing a charity run in aid of the Community Rescue Service at Ecos.
In total £265 was raised on the morning, with the final sum being revealed at their forthcoming graduation dinner. Congratulations to everyone involved.
Carol and Robin receive honourary lifetime membership
At the recent club AGM long serving officials Carol Leggett and Robin Alexander stepped down from roles as Treasurer and Secretary respectively.
As a mark of gratitude for their efforts over the years the club awarded lifetime honourary membership to both.
Sperrin Harriers Winter Trail Series
The club enjoyed a fantastic day out at the superbly organised Sperrin Harriers Winter Trail Series race at Davagh forest.
Great results and fun was had by all with Gillian Wasson winning the ladies race and Jason Wilson 2nd in men's race.
Kells Cosy Sofa to 5k graduates complete their charity run at Ecos on Saturday morning
Carol Leggett (outgoing Treasurer) and Robin Alexander (outgoing Secretary) receive lifetime club membership after stepping down from their respective roles.jpg
Ballymena Runners line-up before tackling Davagh Forest