Sunday Runs Return

Sunday Runs

Formal Sunday Runs will begin again on 22nd January.  These are 10 mile runs that are trainer led and at your own pace.  Please follow the leaders instructions to ensure the group stays together and is manageable.

There will be an informal run on Sunday 15th from Eaton Park.  This will help accommodate the Mathieson Cup Cross Country  at Mallusk that day.

Details of Sunday Runs are on the club website under Training – Weekend runs Weekend Runs — Ballymena Runners AC

NEW 6-10 mile group

We will start a new group on Sunday 29th January to help people prepare for forthcoming 10 mile races and the half marathon season. Fixture list here

The first run will be 6 miles and we will increase this by 1 mile each week until we do the 10 mile run as part of the main Sunday Morning 10 Mile Run.

Call for leaders

If you would be willing to lead a Sunday Morning run please get in touch with us.