2022 club membership - registration now open

Ballymena Runners member registration is now open for 2022 season which starts on 1 April 2022.  

All of our members will be registered with Athletics NI. You can find out about the benefits of your Athletics NI registration here

Please register as soon as possible help to reduce the significant burden of managing the membership and Athletics NI registration on club officials. 

Registration will be done using Clubforce.  Here’s a link download the Clubforce APP: https://clubforce.com/mobile-app/

Once downloaded you will be able to select Ballymena Runners as your preferred club and from there you will be able to choose your membership as well as any group you want to attend.

Alternatively, here is a link which takes you to the Ballymena Runners membership page. You will still need to setup a Clubforce account and it is preferred that you have the APP to enable the club to keep in touch with you about training/events. Club/Society Registrations - Ballymena Runners (clubforce.com)

Details of fees are on the Membership section in the Clubforce App. They are:

  • Family Membership £60

  • Full Member £35

  • Student Membership (full time education) £0

  • Members over 60 £0

If you have any queries contact us by e-mail - ballymenarunners@hotmail.com