Ballymena Runners in Triathalon and mountain running action

Ballymena Runners in Tri-athalon action

Club members Chris Young, Leon Dorrity and Nigel Bonar took on Tri Tyrone, middle distance championships, hosted by Tri Limits Triathlon Club.

This triathlon covered a half ironman distance which is:

  • 1.9k swim

  • 56 mile bike

  • 13.1 mile run.

Conditions were almost perfect, aside from a few rain showers and first home was Chris Young in a time of 5 hrs 19 minutes, hot on his heels was Leon Dorrity in 5 hrs 20, and under the watchful eye of seasoned Ironman Nigel Bonar in 5.51.

Chris Young, Nigel Bonar and Leon Dorrity

Chris Young, Nigel Bonar and Leon Dorrity


Ballymena Runners back in the Mountains

Congratulations to Tim Lowry and Mark Alexander who completed the latest round of the NI Mountain Running Association (NIMRA) Championship held in Kilbroney Forest Park, Rostrevor – ‘The Fallows’.

This event saw the runners take in a distance of 10 miles and climbing 2,600 ft over Slieve Martin in the Mournes.

Mark Alexander and Tim Lowry

Mark Alexander and Tim Lowry