Success for Return to Running group

Saturday saw the Ballymena Runners Return to Running group complete their first Parkrun at Ecos. The group had successfully completed a 6 week couch to 5k course.

The return to running group getting ready for their Parkrun (Karen, Kathryn, Bernie, Vicki, Caroline, Harry, David and Beverly)

The return to running group getting ready for their Parkrun (Karen, Kathryn, Bernie, Vicki, Caroline, Harry, David and Beverly)

Club Chair Stephen Brown saw the runners off and said “Our new Return to Running programme helped our members get back into running after a break. With special trainer led sessions it helped build people’s fitness and confidence to get back into running with our club and doing a Parkrun”.

Job done! The return to running group with Club Captains Emma and Chris after their success.

Job done! The return to running group with Club Captains Emma and Chris after their success.

Naturally a small celebration was in order to mark the occasion and everyone enjoyed a specially baked Parkrun Cupcake.

Parkrun cupcakes for runners

Parkrun cupcakes for runners

The run leaders were delighted with the commitment of the runners and the tremendous achievement of completing their Parkrun. We know the runners put in a lot of hard work in the training sessions and it was rewarded with everyone running the entire 5k distance.

The Return to Running group at Wednesday night training at Ecos

The Return to Running group at Wednesday night training at Ecos