Promoting good mental health

As runners we are aware of the need to look after our physical health.  Our mental health and wellbeing are just as important.  Exercise and keeping active are recognised as contributing to good mental health.  This seems bourne out by many runners who say they get “headspace” when running or that they enjoy the sense of camaraderie.  As a club we want to help promote good physical and mental health.

Poor mental health can affect anyone and covers a wide range of issues.  It affects around 1 in 4 people.  It often also impacts on the person’s family and friends.  Historically there has been reluctance to talk openly about mental health problems.  Thankfully that is changing and there is a much greater awareness of mental health, and an increasing willingness to discuss it.  A chat with a GP or trusted friend is often a good place to start.

A wide range of mental health services are available to help people.  Lots of information on local and national services can be found in places like health centres, hospitals, community centres and on the internet.  As a starting point we have listed below a range of services that are available for people.

  • Aware NI has produced a factsheet with 11 top tips for looking after you mental health.  As runners you’ll be interested that number 1 is “be active” as exercising has a feel good effect.