A message for the Foundation Group and Cosy Sofa graduates

We hope everyone is keeping well and that despite there being no formal club training everyone is still managing to do some running.  Many people may be missing seeing their friends and the social side of running together as a group. We wanted to let you know that we have been thinking about the people in our groups and those who recently completed the Cosy Sofa.

As lockdown measures are now beginning to ease we are watching closely the government guidance, guidance from Athletics NI and of course the club's own assessment of the position.  Staying safe is the priority for us all. Although there is no indication or plans for when training might begin again it doesn't stop us thinking about what we might want to do to help people when it resumes again. 

Foundation Group

In anticipation that training will begin again at some point we have been thinking of ways of supporting everyone, especially if anyone has maybe got a little out of the way of regular running.  When training does begin we will seek to run the usual groups and we will look at ways to get you all back to where you were before training was suspended.  Everything will of course be done within the social distancing and other measures that are in place at the time.

Cosy Sofa Group

We have given some thought to everyone who successfully completed the Cosy Sofa through January, February and March only to have training suspended just after graduation.  We were gutted for you but we hope you have all managed to keep up your running.  For those who haven't we will look at ways to get you back to were you were before lockdown. Within the appropriate guidance we will find ways to help and support you get back to running with the 30 minute group or doing a Parkrun.  In the meantime do what you can do and if you want to get going again the Cosy Sofa Programme is on the website.

We will keep in touch with you over the coming weeks (or months) to let you know what's happening.  In the meantime if you have any queries or feel like a chat please get in touch.

Stephen, Bernie and Harry